RV Eco-friendly packaging

Top 4 Eco-friendly food packaging alternatives your business needs

Statistics indicate that approximately 60% of all plastics produced worldwide are used for food packaging. Due to the environmental and human health effects of non degradable packaging, many businesses and start ups are looking to shift to more sustainable food packaging alternatives.

Why is sustainable food packaging important?

Particular concerns surrounding plastics include the human exposure to toxic chemicals in plastic packaging transferring to foods. Raising concerns around the chemicals used to produce plastics and its toxic impact in humans has led to environmental-friendly packaging alternatives gaining more popularity recently. 

These eco-friendly food packaging often use sustainable bioplastic and plant based extracts, such as wheat, corn, wood and bamboo that are biodegradable, reusable and free of hazardous chemicals. While they do contain certain chemicals, studies demonstrate that the movement of these chemicals into the food is much lower with eco-friendly packaging, making them a safer packaging alternative for your business.

Here is a list of top 4 Eco-friendly food packaging that your business could consider

1. Kraft Paper

Also known as butcher paper or brown paper, it derives its name from the German word ‘Kraft’ which means resistance, strength and effectiveness. It is made of wood pulp and is 100% recyclable and compostable, making it a very appealing and sustainable packaging material

2. Cornstarch

Derived from corn and maize plants, it has plastic-like properties, which means it can be used as an alternative packaging for bottles to molded forms and loose-fill packaging. They are biodegradable and environment-friendly. When properly disposed of, the materials will break down into carbon dioxide and water, causing no harm to the environment. The materials are cheap, sustainable and easy to produce. An ideal alternative for start-ups looking for cost-friendly packaging.

3. Recycled cardboard and Paper

Recycled cardboard and paper are organic materials that are environmentally-friendly. These boxes along with the right inner coating could be used to make cereal boxes, fast food boxes, pizza boxes, frozen food boxes and other packaging boxes. 

4. Bagasse

These are made from the sugarcane fiber and are 100% recyclable. It is both home and commercially compostable and can break down in less than four weeks under the right conditions. Bagasse packaging is suitable for both hot and cold foods, and can tolerate heat upto 100 degree Celsius. 

The changing tide of food packaging industry

With many cities around India and the world banning plastics, it seems the tide is turning on plastics. With so many eco-friendly alternatives on the market at competitive prices, more and more businesses are recognizing the opportunity to make a shift and ensuring they are ahead of the game.

Looking to find out which is a good alternative for your food business, reach out to us to know more

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